17 Cute Phrases You Should Add to Your Wedding Vows ...


17 Cute Phrases You Should Add to Your Wedding Vows ...
17 Cute Phrases You Should Add to Your Wedding Vows ...

It doesn't matter if you're already engaged or if you haven't even had your first kiss yet. Either way, you can still daydream about your big day. To help you plan it out, here are a few cute phrases to include in your wedding vows:

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1. I Vow Not Just to Grow Old Together, but to Grow Together

I Vow Not Just to Grow Old Together, but to Grow Together The love of your life should make you want to be a better person, after all.

2. I Will Celebrate Your Triumphs and Mourn Your Losses as Though They Were My Own

I Will Celebrate Your Triumphs and Mourn Your Losses as Though They Were My Own If you love him, his happiness should be your happiness.

Frequently asked questions

Adding cute phrases to your wedding vows makes them more personal and unique. It shows your partner just how much they mean to you in a creative way. Plus, it adds a touch of fun and romance!

To make vows memorable, speak from the heart! Mix in some humor, share a personal story, or use a cute phrase that captures your relationship. The key is authenticity and sincerity.

Sure thing! How about: 'I promise to be your best friend, your greatest fan, and your partner in endless adventures.' Simple, sweet, and promises a lifetime of fun together!

No way! Cute vows are for everyone! Whether you're a bride or groom, using cute phrases can add charm and character to your vows. It's all about expressing your love in your own style.

Instead of the classic 'partner in crime,' you could say 'partner in laughter' or 'my ultimate adventure buddy.' It just makes everything feel more light-hearted and personal!

3. I Promise to Always Be Your Biggest Fan and Your Partner in Crime

I Promise to Always Be Your Biggest Fan and Your Partner in Crime He should be your teammate, through and through.

4. There is Little to Say That You Haven’t Already Heard, and Little to Give That is Not Already Freely Given

There is Little to Say That You Haven’t Already Heard, and Little to Give That is Not Already Freely Given You've already told him how much he means to you, because everyday is as special as your wedding day.

5. I Will Try in Every Way to Be Worthy of Your Love

I Will Try in Every Way to Be Worthy of Your Love You want to show him that you're worth his effort, because you know he's worth yours.

6. I Believe in You, the Person You Will Grow to Be and the Couple We Will Be Together

I Believe in You, the Person You Will Grow to Be and the Couple We Will Be Together It's always nice to know someone believes in you.

7. I Will Laugh with You in Times of Joy, and Comfort You in Times of Sorrow

I Will Laugh with You in Times of Joy, and Comfort You in Times of Sorrow No matter what, you'll be on his side.

8. I Promise to Comfort You when the Falcons Lose and Drink Beer with You when They Win

I Promise to Comfort You when the Falcons Lose and Drink Beer with You when They Win This is a funny way to say you'll always be there for him.

9. I Pledge to Listen to Your Advice, and Occasionally Take It and I Pledge to Never Take Score… Even if I'm Totally Winning

I Pledge to Listen to Your Advice, and Occasionally Take It and I Pledge to Never Take Score… Even if I'm Totally Winning Here's another silly phrase that should get your groom laughing.


This whimsical promise brings a dash of humor and an acknowledgement that relationships are not a competition. Sharing wisdom with each other is a key part of your journey together, but recognizing that sometimes the best advice is just to listen. It's all about a balanced give-and-take, cherished even more when you abandon the scoreboard. After all, true love is about celebrating wins and facing losses together, not about who's ahead. Embrace the laughter by admitting you may outscore your partner now and then, but the love you share is beyond any game.

10. I Promise to Always Love You. as Sure as the Stars Shine at Night, I Will Always Love You

I Promise to Always Love You. as Sure as the Stars Shine at Night, I Will Always Love You This is a mushy way to admit your love.

11. I Promise to Love You in Good Times and in Bad, when Life Seems Easy and when It Seems Hard, when Our Love is Simple, and when It is an Effort

I Promise to Love You in Good Times and in Bad, when Life Seems Easy and when It Seems Hard, when Our Love is Simple, and when It is an Effort Basically, no matter what, you'll always love him.

12. Your Beauty, Heart, and Mind Inspire Me to Be the Best Person I Can Be

finger, arm, hand, close up, leg, This is what healthy relationships are all about.

13. I Will Respect You as a Person, a Partner, and an Equal

I Will Respect You as a Person, a Partner, and an Equal Neither one of you is better than the other. You're equals.

14. I Give You My Hand. I Give You My Love. I Give You Myself

I Give You My Hand. I Give You My Love. I Give You Myself What's sweeter than this?

15. You Have Been My Best Friend, My Confidant, My Entertainer, an Amazing Boyfriend and My Greatest Challenge

You Have Been My Best Friend, My Confidant, My Entertainer, an Amazing Boyfriend and My Greatest Challenge Your man should be all of this and more.

16. All I Want is What We Already Have: True Love

All I Want is What We Already Have: True Love That's all you need in life.

17. I Love You...not Only for What You Are, but for What I Am when I Am with You

The right man for you should make you the best woman that you can possibly be.

Your wedding will be perfect if you use phrases like these! What other cute things have you heard a couple include in their wedding vows?


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