Honeysuckle Pink is the hot color of 2011, now this doesn't mean that every detail of your wedding has to be pink. To inspire the little details and accents of your 2011 wedding here are 3 wedding inspiration boards to celebrate the color of the year!
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
3. Every Little Detail Counts...
Photos: StyleMePretty.com
There are so many beautiful ways to mix in touches of this year's color, honeysuckle pink, into the** little details** of your wedding day. I love the bridesmaids in this inspiration board and the gorgeous pink dresses against the pop of white anemones they're carrying. Add a **touch of pink **into your invitation along with other colors of blue and purple or have a fun signature pink drink during cocktail hour. **Where will you include honeysuckle pink into your little details? **
2. Pretty in Pink...
Photos: StyleMePretty.com
Brides don't be afraid to add pretty pink **details to your **wedding attire **like the hot pink shoes and crinoline in this inspiration board. If you've already found your wedding shoes, maybe your flower girlwill look just as **pretty in pink as this adorable little girl! I love the pink lighting for the wedding reception, what a great way to add your wedding color into your big day.
1. Decor, Favors, and Much More...
Photos: StyleMePretty.com
How much do you love the wedding palette of **pink, orange, and yellow **with **the pretty paper lanterns ; such beautiful colors for a **spring or summer wedding. If you like pink but don't want to go crazy with the decor surprise your guests with tasty favors **like pink strawberry jam or pink lollipops. Let pink find it's way into your wedding in the **small details like your place cards, your groom's adorable pink bow tie or in your fun candy dessert bar.
Have you discovered honeysuckle pink for your 2011 wedding?
**Top Photo: **Percyhandmade.blogspot.com