7 Beautiful Ways to Remember a Deceased Parent at Your Wedding ...


7 Beautiful Ways to Remember a Deceased Parent at Your Wedding ...
7 Beautiful Ways to Remember a Deceased Parent at Your Wedding ...

When I was 15, I lost my father to cancer. For others who have lost a parent, you know that time doesn't makes it easier. Often, it even makes it harder when you go through big life events and realize that they won't be there to share in that moment with you. For those of you who are thinking of ways to celebrate your parents on your big day even though they can't be there, here are 7 beautiful ways to remember a deceased parent at your wedding.

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Parents' Wedding Photos

Just like the main picture to this article, have your photographer take a picture of you and your new husband holding up photos of both your parents on their wedding days. This is a cute idea even if you're lucky enough to have both of your parents there on your big day.


Remembering a deceased parent at your wedding can be a difficult but meaningful experience. Whether you are lucky enough to have both parents present or just one, there are many ways to honor them on your big day. One idea is to have your photographer take a picture of you and your new spouse holding up photos of both your parents on their wedding days. This is a wonderful way to pay tribute to your loved one and to keep their memory alive in your wedding celebrations.

You can also incorporate a special item belonging to your deceased parent into your wedding ceremony. For example, you can have your parent’s wedding ring or a special piece of jewelry placed on the altar during the ceremony. Alternatively, you can attach a small photo of your parent to your bouquet or have their handwriting included on your wedding invitation.

If you’d like to add a more personal touch to your wedding day, consider having a special moment of silence in honor of your deceased parent. You can also have a candle lit in their memory or have a close friend or family member say a few words about them.


Favorite Flowers

This may be more for those who have lost a mother, but why not incorporate your parent's favorite flower into your bouquet? It can be a small yet beautiful reminder of your parent. After the wedding, dry out the flower and put in your wedding album as a cute keepsake reminder.


For many couples, their wedding day is a time of joy and celebration. However, for those who have lost a parent, the day can be bittersweet. Incorporating a special remembrance of a deceased parent into the wedding can be a meaningful way to honor them. One way to remember a parent on your wedding day is to include their favorite flower in your bouquet. This can be a small yet beautiful reminder of your parent, and a symbol of their presence on your special day.

Including a favorite flower is just one way to remember a deceased parent at your wedding. Other ideas include displaying a photo of the parent in a prominent location, such as the entrance to the ceremony or reception. You can also have a special moment of silence in memory of them. Additionally, you could have a special dance with your partner in honor of the parent.

If you’re looking for a more lasting memento, you can dry out the flower after the wedding and place it in your wedding album as a keepsake reminder. You can also have a special charm or locket made with a photo of the parent and wear it on your wedding day.


Embroidered Heart

Find some kind of cloth that your parent loved whether it be an old shirt, scarf, or handkerchief. Then, have it embroidered as a heart onto the back of your wedding dress. This way, a piece of them can be with you throughout your special day.


A wedding is one of the most special days in a person's life, and it can be especially difficult for those who have lost a parent. There are many ways to honor a deceased parent on your wedding day, and one of the most beautiful is to have a piece of clothing they loved embroidered as a heart on the back of your wedding dress. This way, you can carry a piece of them with you throughout the day.

The best way to do this is to find a piece of clothing that was special to your parent, such as an old shirt, scarf, or handkerchief. You can then have it embroidered onto the back of your wedding dress. Depending on the material, you can even add a few other special touches such as their initials or a special message.

Having a piece of your parent with you on your wedding day can be a comforting reminder that they are still with you, even if they are no longer physically here. It can also be a great way to honor their memory and keep them close to your heart on your special day.


Bouquet Memory Locket

I came across some websites that will make a memory locket to put on your bouquet. This is a subtle but beautiful reminder of your loved ones who can't be there on your special day. If before your wedding you're feeling nervous or sad, it's great to know you have a keepsake to look at of your parent or parents that will give you strength. Be sure to take off the locket before throwing the bouquet later though!


A bouquet memory locket is a special way to remember a deceased parent on your wedding day. It is a small, delicate locket that can be attached to the bouquet and carries a special significance. The locket can be filled with a picture or a memento of the parent, providing a touching reminder of their presence on your special day. The locket is a great way to honor a loved one who is no longer with you, and to keep them in your thoughts during the ceremony.

The memory locket can also be a source of strength and comfort if you are feeling anxious or sad. Knowing that your parent is with you in spirit can provide a sense of calm and reassurance. It is a way to remember them and to keep them close to your heart.

When the time comes to throw the bouquet, be sure to take off the locket first. This will ensure that the locket does not get lost in the excitement of the moment. Afterwards, you can keep the locket as a reminder of the special day and a tribute to your loved one.


Reuse Mom's Wedding Dress

If you still have your Mom's wedding dress, this is a great way to remember her if she can't be at your wedding. Of course, you don't need to keep the same design if you don't like it. Your mother would want you to feel beautiful on your big day and be in a dress you love. Alter the dress to your liking or even use parts of the dress to create a new dress altogether.


Using fabric from your mom’s cherished gown, you can add a personal touch to your wedding attire. Consider transforming a piece of her dress into a delicate handkerchief or a patch sewn into the lining of your own dress, close to your heart. You might also repurpose the lace from her gown for a sentimental addition to your bouquet wrap, keeping her close as you walk down the aisle. Whether it's by creating a new dress or adding small memorabilia, carrying a part of her legacy will surely make your day even more special.

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Father-Daughter Dance Picture Slideshow

A big moment for any girl on her wedding day is the father-daughter dance. If your Dad can't be there, it may feel devastating that you can't share in that special moment like other girls. But instead of cutting out a father-daughter dance all together, pick the song you dreamed of dancing with your Dad, and play it over a collage of pictures. Your family will love reminiscing about your Dad through the photos and you can still have the chance to play your song for him.


To further honor your father's memory during the slideshow, consider inviting other important figures in your life to join you in the dance. This could be an uncle, a family friend, or even a mother or sibling. As each picture unfolds, you and your loved one can take turns dancing, signifying the shared love and support that continues in your father's absence. It creates an emotionally rich tribute and allows you to feel connected to your dad on your big day.


Leave a Chair with a Flower Open at the Ceremony

This is a simple yet beautiful gesture to do during your ceremony. Where your mother or father would have been seated at your wedding, leave an empty chair. On the chair, place a rose or a candle. You can even choose to hang a sign on the chair that says "In Loving Memory of..." with a picture of your Mom or Dad.

The main thing to remember is that even though your parent or parents can't be there physically, they will be watching over you on your big day in spirit. Your parent should be a part of your wedding whether they can be there or not. What were some ways you remembered a deceased parent on your wedding day?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

It's a great way to include them in your wedding album too!

This is great. I will definitely utilize a few of these in honor of mom.

Lauren these are such sweet ideas, on my wedding day I had my grandmother's locket with it and it meant the world to have her there in spirit. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father, all my love. xoxo

I loved getting to write this thinking of my Dad. </3 7 Beautiful Ways to Remember a Deceased Parent at Your Wedding … (via Twitter)

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