Family drama on your wedding day can be difficult to handle and the last thing you want on the most special day of your life, is to deal with tensions and tantrums. However, families are funny things and The Walton's was just a TV show where everything looked perfect but it was hardly a reflection of reality. So, if you have a wedding coming up, here are some ways to handle family drama on your wedding day.
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1. Speak to Them
One of the first ways to handle family drama on your wedding day is to speak to the parties that are causing you concern beforehand. Tell them what you're worried about and that this is your special day that you don't want spoilt. They will understand that it is the most important day of your life and that they need to put their differences aside for the time being.
2. Strategic Seating
This is another thing you will need to consider before hand. If Aunty Rosie can't stand Uncle Jim, you don't really want them sitting where they can hurl abuse or bread rolls at each other, although that might be quite entertaining for everyone else! Think about where quests would be best placed in order to minimize tension.
3. Don't Force It
Sometimes, it takes a special family event to bring people together and deal with their differences. However, it is probably best to avoid placing people together in the hope that after a few glasses of wine, they will smooth over their differences and 'kiss and make up'. Unfortunately, it might take more than that to ease the family tensions.
4. Divide Duties
Remember to divide duties between family members in order to ensure there is no further tension created. For example, if you have a stepfather, you may want to ask your biological father to give you away and have the first dance with your stepfather at the reception. This is just an example of one of the ways you can divide duties and make everyone feel involved. It is also one way to avoid any drama which could ensue as a result of people feeling left out.
5. Money Money Money
Weddings are expensive events but parents and in-laws are often willing to contribute to expenses. If they have decided they would like to contribute, decide on a predetermined amount which can go into a bank account and which will prevent either party from using the "I paid for this" excuse later on.
6. Extra Help
If things are a little difficult to handle, then it may be time to speak to the priest or minister. They may be able to help you come to terms with any family tensions and might be able to think of ways to ease the issue that you may not have thought of before.
7. Positive Thinking
Remember to remain calm in the approach to and on your wedding day. Sometimes we create scenarios in our heads that never happen, but because we have worried about them and manifested them in our minds, it's almost as though they have occurred in real life! Think positively and envision the best possible outcome for your day, rather than all the things that could go wrong.
If you have forthcoming nuptials then I wish you all the very best for your special day and beyond. If family tensions and dramas are something you are concerned about then I hope these tips will help. Does anyone else have any hints and tips for dealing with family tensions at a wedding?