7 TV Weddings to Find Inspiration in ...


So you’re a planning a wedding, and maybe you have a little too much love for TV weddings. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. I’m right there with you. My love for television is only enhanced by my love for a few good TV weddings. If you’re looking for wedding inspiration, look no further. These TV weddings will enchant you and help get the ideas flowing.

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1. Jim and Pam

Jim and Pam’s wedding simply could not have been more perfect. They had a destination wedding, with their friends and family in attendance, but managed to get away and say their vows to each other next to the Niagara Falls. It was a beautiful moment in TV, but also something to consider when planning your own wedding. You may want to include your friends and family, but also have some memories for you and your spouse. That’s where The Office comes in with one of the most perfect TV weddings!

2. Monica and Chandler

Although I don’t think I’ve seen their wedding in a few years, from what I remember, Monica and Chandler’s wedding was pretty conventional. Well, it was conventional if you don’t include the fact that the officiant (Joey) was dressed as though he was ready to go to war. It’s just the details, honestly. If you want something more conventional, Monica and Chandler’s wedding might be an episode to watch.

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3. Ted and Tracy

There may be some spoilers ahead if you haven’t yet caught up on the travesty that was the How I Met Your Mother series finale. I won’t get into the entire finale, but one aspect of it that I genuinely loved was Ted and Tracy’s wedding. It was simple, just like they were, and the scene when he sees her in MacLaren’s still breaks my heart. If you’re looking for a simple wedding, look no further.

4. Barney and Robin

On the other hand, if you’re looking for the opposite of a simple wedding, rewind a few episodes to enjoy Barney and Robin’s wedding. Just please, don’t drag it out over the course of nine months. A weekend will do just fine. I personally loved every aspect of their wedding, except for the fact that it took nearly nine months to get to. I especially loved Robin’s dress. If you’re looking for details to add to your own wedding, I suggest you acquaint yourself with the entire final season of How I Met Your Mother. Yes, I really did write “the entire final season.”

5. Ben and Leslie

Speaking of Ted and Tracy’s simple wedding, though, it was actually very reminiscent of Ben and Leslie’s wedding, at least to me. They got married on a whim one night after growing sick of wedding planning; yet with the help of a little TV magic wedding, a gorgeous wedding came of it. They got married in the place they met and fell in love, with the people they love surrounding them. If you’re sick of wedding planning, this might be an episode to watch.

6. Miranda and Steve

Miranda and Steve are arguably one of the greatest couples to come from Sex and the City, and their wedding speaks to that. When I’ve said that other weddings were simple, they were extravagant compared to this wedding. Miranda and Steve got married outside with a handful of friends and family standing by. Miranda wore burgundy. Yet still, it was so beautiful that even Samantha cried.

7. Burt and Carole

It took me a while to get on board with this seemingly convenient coupling, but this wedding completely changed my views. Most people’s idea of the perfect wedding does not involve a group of singing high schoolers, but if yours does, acquaint yourself with this episode. Everything about it is perfect, from their performance of "Marry You," to Finn’s performance of "Just the Way You Are." It’s easily one of Glee’s best episodes to date.

What’s your favorite TV wedding? I’d have to say mine is Jim and Pam’s! Let me know yours in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Lily and Marshall!!

I loved Stef and Lena's from The Foster's

My fav was Calli and Arizona on Greys Anatomy...beautiful and a great reminder of what is REALLY important :)

my all time favs are the gossip girl weddings! blair woth loius, blair with chuck and serena with dan

also alex and izzi from greys anatomy! that wedding was perfection!

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