7 Reasons to Have a Destination Wedding ...


7 Reasons to Have a Destination Wedding ...
7 Reasons to Have a Destination Wedding ...

As much as I love traditional weddings, I'm also a huge fan of the destination wedding. Why? Well, there are so many reasons! Here are a few of them... here are 7 reasons to have, or at least consider, a destination wedding.

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The Gorgeous Locale!

There are so many beautiful backdrops for your special day — a snow-capped mountain, a sandy beach, a woodland wonderland. The only limit to your destination is your imagination... and every destination has the potential to be gorgeous.


You Can Combine Wedding and Honeymoon

Why bother with the hassle of going from your wedding, to your reception, then to your honeymoon when you can do it all at the same place with a destination wedding? There really isn't any reason to have to deal with the stress of dealing with multiple venues, so don't! Choose a destination wedding!


Special Time with Family and Friends

If you want to have a big wedding, with a few minutes to spend with every guest who comes, then a destination wedding isn't the best idea, because many of the guests aren't likely to come. If, however, you want a more intimate wedding, when you can spend the time with your closest family and friends, then a destination wedding may be your best bet.


It's Not Your Average Hall Wedding

We've all been to dozens of traditional weddings at church with a hall reception. While they're all sweet and romantic, we're tired of them! Let's do something different! This is another reason to choose a destination wedding.


The Cost Savings

If you're not paying for a plated dinner, or buffet, for 200 guests, plus a separate honeymoon, doing a destination will be much less expensive than a traditional wedding with loads more guests.

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You'll Get to do Things Your Way

If you're planning a traditional wedding, you'll notice that everyone, from your future mother-in-law to you best friend or your sister, is going to have advice, and they won't be quiet and demure about it. If you have a destination wedding, you'll get to do everything your way, with little stress from dealing with people who want to have their input.


There's a Destination for Everyone

No matter what you and your future husband are into, there's an exotic destination for your wedding. If you're outdoorsy, then try a mountain or natural destination wedding. If you love scuba or swimming, then try a beach wedding. If there's a place that's special to you, then go get married there!

With so many reasons to consider, or plan, a destination wedding, I'm surprised people still plan traditional ones! Which of these reasons is the most striking to you? Or are you set on a traditional wedding? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: pinterest.com

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