Since the number of weddings in December in India always (far) exceeds the number of days in the month, the smartest thing to do is be armed with ways to prepare for the wedding season that awaits you. This way you’ll be all geared up and ready to look your best at the half a dozen weddings you just have to attend! Be it a family wedding or that of a close friend, knowing the ways to prepare for the wedding season will help you when you’re attending 4 weddings in 3 different cities in 12 days!
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1. Review Your Wardrobe
One of the first ways to prepare for the wedding season is to review your wardrobe. Like me, you also probably have a separate set of ‘wedding’ clothes that you wear only at weddings and the associated events. So review them, see if they can be repeated at multiple weddings (which is difficult when more than one wedding in the family), how you can jazz your current collection up to match the current fashions and most importantly, whether they still fit you!
2. Find a Good Designer/Tailor
Every Indian girl knows that the most important person in her life during wedding season is her designer and/or tailor. And because they’re usually the most overworked people before the parade of weddings begins, the best thing to do is get your outfits done well in advance. Any alterations or refitting that is needed should also get done so that you’re not struggling with a needle and thread two hours before the wedding!
3. Get All Your Accessories Together
Indian weddings are so much fun to dress up for because you get to wear so many pretty little accessories to complement your outfits. And nothing is more depressing than going for a wedding only to realize you didn’t pack matching bangles for your favorite dress or that the sandals you brought with you have a wobbly heel! Take the time out to put together all your various accessories – from bindis and bangles to jewelry and footwear so you can look your gorgeous best at the weddings!
4. Spend Time at the Beauty Salon
Before the wedding season, take some time out and book yourself a manicure, pedicure, and a wax and facial treatment at your favorite beauty salon. You cannot possibly attend half a dozen weddings looking worn out and with chipped, unpainted nails right? And everyone knows that pretty hands and feet help make you feel so good!
5. Pre-Wedding Season Detox
Like me, you too probably worry about looking your prettiest at family weddings. It’s a good idea to go on a pre-wedding season detox to help you prepare for the wedding season. A couple of weeks of lots of vegetable and fruit juices and you’ll find your skin is glowing and you’re feeling generally healthier. And of course, this will definitely help with you feeling better about eating all that awesome wedding food!
6. Practice Dancing in High Heels
Weddings are a time to let your hair down and dance the night away. But if you’re not the kind to wear heels on a daily basis, this can be a problem. And so practice walking around and dancing in your flowy outfits and high heels. This way you can be sure that you’re not going to trip on your long skirts and beautifully draped sarees!
7. Be Ready for Annoying Relatives
The last thing to prepare for before embarking on the wedding season is to be ready to face annoying relatives and distant family members. Every family has a few of these and no matter how hard you try, they will corner you and ask you embarrassing personal questions that you don’t want to answer! The best thing to do is to have a few standard answers ready for expected questions like when will you marry or when will you have a baby?
Weddings are super fun but attending several weddings in a couple of weeks or months can get tiring and confusing. To help with this, it’s important to know the ways to prepare for the wedding season so that you don’t have to worry about small things and can then spend all your time looking pretty and having fun! Do you have any special ways you prepare for the wedding season you’d like to share?