As your wedding day approaches, you may be wondering what bridal registry necessities you should have on your list. The list differs from situation to situation, based on what you already have. Have you moved out on your own? Do you two already live together? This is a list of necessities in case you are just now moving out and have no idea what you'll need as your bridal registry necessities.
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1. A Set of Pots and Pans
This should be at the top of your bridal registry necessities list. It's hard to cook dinner when you have nothing to cook dinner in. These sets are often too expensive for a brand new couple to just go out and buy for themselves, so it's nice to ask for it in your bridal registry. You'll want one that come with several sizes of pots and pans, as well as matching lids.
2. Sheets
When I got married, we had just upgraded our bed size and didn't have any bed sheets for a king. We completely forgot to put king size linens on our registry and almost had nothing to sleep on. King size sheets are especially expensive, even when you go with a lower thread count. Try to get a higher thread count on your registry so they'll last longer and ask for multiple sets so you can change them out. Having a flannel set for winter is always a good idea too.
3. Towels
Sure, you can buy somewhat affordable towels at Walmart that feel like sandpaper; but you definitely want to scan a nice set of towels for your registry. They will last longer, feel better, and match your décor better. You might not think buying a few towels and rags for your house would be that expensive, but it's insane how much they charge for fabric to dry yourself with these days.
4. Dishes and Utensils
Again, you need these to eat. I suppose you could just live off paper plates and plasticware if you wanted to. But it's so nice to have a set of china and silverware for entertaining. Plus, you don't want to forget to add various kitchen utensils like spatulas and whisks. You'll be cooking and suddenly realize you need something you don't have readily available.
5. Spice Rack
When we first got married, we didn't have any spices, which meant most of our cooking came out of boxes with flavors already added. We honestly didn't think we'd need spices or a place to store them as much as we did. Once you've gotten a little use out of your pans and you're ready to start experimenting though, you'll need the spices. Putting a spice rack on the list would be a valuable addition.
6. Microwave
It's often overlooked because sometimes it might be included in your living situation, but a microwave is an absolute must-have. We use them so much in our daily lives that we tend to forget about them until they're not there. How else are you going to heat up those midnight leftovers?
7. Something Fun
While you're scanning all the serious necessities, be sure to scan at least one fun item because fun is a necessity in every relationship. Our fun item was a fondue pot, but the popcorn maker and cotton candy machine were close seconds. You're getting married. Enjoy it!
You may not receive every item on your list of bridal registry necessities and that's okay. Fortunately, you may receive a lot of gift cards or even cash to go buy the things you didn't get that you still need. You don't have to have everything right away. What were some things you realized you needed after you got married that you had forgotten on your registry?
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