5 Adorable Ring Bearers and Their Cute Suits ...

Diana Dec 22, 2010

5 Adorable Ring Bearers and Their Cute Suits ...
5 Adorable Ring Bearers and Their Cute Suits ...

Little boys in suits or tuxedos are just so handsome with their slicked back hair and their little ties. As the ring bearer walks down the aisle they look so proud and honored to help out for your big day. If you're considering whether you should have that special kid hold your ring pillow let these **5 adorable ring bearers in their cute little suits **persuade your answer!

5. Little Boys do Silly Things...

Little Boys do Silly Things... Photo: StyleMePretty.com

They're adorable but can be unpredictable sometimes, which makes for funny photos like this one! Little boys like to get messy, get into trouble, and make everyone laugh. I love the yellow bow ties and the cool mustaches! These boys are just too cool and aren't afraid to show off! **How many cool little boy ring bearers are in your wedding? **

4. They Don't Mind Wearing Pink...

They Don't Mind Wearing Pink... Photo: StyleMePretty.com

Ring Bearers will wear what you put them in because boys aren't as picky about clothes like little girls! This little boy is so proud to be responsible for the rings, how cute is he holding them up in his hand. His pink tie looks so cute with the gray suitandlittle chuck taylors! **What colors will your ring bearer wear? **

3. Sometimes They're a Little Shy...

Sometimes They're a Little Shy... Photo: DigitalArtsPhotography.com

I love shy little kids, they are even more adorable! What a perfect shot from the photographer of this beautiful bride and her cutie pie shy ring bearer. He's too shy to even look at her! Hopefully he made his way down the aisle in his handsome dress shirt and pants. **Was your ring bearer nervous on your big day? **

2. They Love the Attention...

They Love the Attention... Photo: ChicagoIllinoisWeddingPhotography.com

On your wedding day it will help the shy kids if you have more than one child walking down the aisle for your ceremony. Kids like to hang out and play together and little ring bearers love the attention they get from the cute flower girls! This charming little boy seems shy at first but as soon as the flower girl helps out he warms right up to the camera. I love his tuxedo and his shiny little dress shoes!

1. They're Just so Adorable...

They're Just so Adorable... Photo: CityWendy.com

I'm in heaven with this precious little ring bearer and his adorable suspenders! I love how serious he is while holding the ring pillow and the flower girl's hand! He has a big job to do and he knows it! These two have to be some of the cutest little angels I've ever seen!

Have you found the right ring bearer for your wedding?

Top Photo: ElizabethAnneDesigns.com/blog

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