Vendor Spotlight "CakeMates" Handmade Cake Toppers ...

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Vendor Spotlight "CakeMates" Handmade Cake Toppers ...

Handmade work always amazes me and when I came across CakeMates, who started following me on twitter, I was just in awe of Kylie's gorgeous personalized cake toppers. The beautiful details, the quirky accessories, the smiles of the clay bride and groom, all just warmed my heart with happiness! How incredible is the newlywed couple on the elephant...continue reading to find out more about this cake topper and our Vendor Spotlight on CakeMates**Handmade Cake Toppers**...
Getting to Know CakeMates...
Photo: CakeMates

"Where to start? Well, I have always been creative and would like to thank my parents for supporting my creative ways as I grew up!

In May 2009 it was my now husbands brothers girlfriends 21st Birthday and I wanted to give her a special gift. So I dug out a collection of polymer clay I had built up, and got started on making a mini her. I had toyed around making these when I was much younger but never thought of doing it for a living! I made her wearing her favourite dressing gown, covered in pink hearts, she held a bottle of wine and had her trademark big cleavage and curly hair. Everyone one loved it and they all said I should make them for weddings. I thought they were all just been kind and laughed it off. But with some encouragement from Tom I took the plunge and went for it both barrels.

We spent so many late nights working on building my website, I bought all new materials and equipment and my dad came up with the name “Cakemates”. Cakemates officially launched in the June of 2009 and the website was an instant hit. I will never forget taking my first booking, I felt so proud. From there it just snowballed and in the October I exhibited at the National Wedding Show in Birmingham UK. The biggest wedding show held in the UK attended by 20,000 guests and out of the 300 exhibitors there, I was the youngest at 21 and the only one with cake toppers."
Love What You Do...
Photo: CakeMates

"I am one of those rare people that loves her job. From the initial email enquiring about my toppers to the final email of thanks and appreciation, I go through the whole range of emotions with the bride and/or groom. Often when customers first get in touch they have a general idea of what they want. Some want a simple “Couple” topper, simply dressed in their wedding attire. Others want their car, their pets, children or hobbies including. Often they say they can’t decide after looking through all my photos of previous works! I have had some pretty wacky requests in the past, including a pole dancer bride and groom that wanted a Camel including! I can and will make anything requested, so please don’t be shy about any ideas you may have!"
Favorite Details...
Photo: CakeMates

"Out of 370 I have made to date it’s hard to have a favourite, although the Asian traditional dress ones are the most interesting to make. I am one of the only topper makers to specialise in Traditional Asian dress and I can incorporate all styles from all religions and cultures. Actually I do have a fav, which would be our own cake topper! We had a travel themed wedding so our cake topper was of us riding an Indian elephant and I made all our wedding party to stand at the bottom of the cake. It took me weeks to make and the Elephant was decorated with Swarovski crystals. It was real conversation peace at the wedding! A lot of customers come back to me with photos after the big day and tell me how much their topper acted as an ice breaker amongst guests, which is so heart warming to hear. "
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The Process...
Photo: CakeMates

"After the initial email enquiry, the couple fill out an order form to give me a good idea of what they want. I work from the photographs provided to re-create the details of the dress, suit, hairstyles, flowers and any other elements they want included. Once the topper is ready, I email over photographs to check that the couple are 100% happy with it before it’s sent. All toppers are insured against loss or breakage, so brides can have that added peace of mind. I have made toppers for weddings in Australia, the USA, Italy, Eastern Europe, Mauritius, Cuba and Antigua. I can send toppers anywhere in the world, so Cakematesare accessible to anyone who wants one. I am already fully booked up to the end of January 2012 and filling up fast for summer 2012. It’s never too early to order a topper as couples can send over details as and when they decide along their wedding planning journey."
What's Next for Kylie...
Photo: CakeMates

"I am now in the process of setting up a wedding blog to complement Cakemates and I have now started to provide felt, brooch and button heirloom bouquets. I hand make these with my mum, as we did for my own wedding. These can be customised to the couple’s preference and also can be sent worldwide. So I started by playing with Play Dough as a child and now in my mid 20s I run my own business with a sole purpose of bringing smiles to couples faces.

*** Note *** For any brides wishing to purchase a topper or felt and button flower bouquet by me, that are one of your readers. They can have 10% off all orders if they quote“Allwomanstalk”when they get in touch.

Company name is Cakemates.Contact
Twitter @funkyido

We're so happy to learn more about Kylie and her beautiful handmade cake toppers and we hope you will visit her if you are looking for a personalized caketopper or just to say hello!!

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