7 Things to Consider when You Only Want a Small Wedding ...

By Neecey3 Comments

There are many things to consider when you want a small wedding. Planning any wedding is difficult and stressful, but small weddings can be trickier because you don’t want it to get too big and fancy, while still being special. So here are 7 things to consider when you want a small wedding that will hopefully help you out.

1 Be Selective with Your Guest List

One of the most important things to consider when you want a small wedding is who you’re inviting. Just invite the people that are the most important to you and your partner, or you’ll soon find your ‘small’ wedding will actually become quite big.

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2 Ignore Pressure from Family Members

One of the most difficult things about organising a small wedding is the pressure that you may face from family members to make it a bigger affair. You may be pressured into inviting family members you don’t want to ask, or having a church service when you may only want a registry office wedding. This will be your day, so politely and firmly tell people that you’re making the decisions, whether they like it or not.

3 Consider a Separate Guest List for Your Reception

If you’re feeling that you might have to invite certain people just to keep the peace, consider inviting them just to the evening reception, if you’re having one. That way you can keep your ceremony and wedding breakfast very small without people’s noses being put out of joint. Plus, if you have a big party in the evening, you can have the best of both worlds.

4 Choose Your Venue Carefully

One of the most important things to consider when you want a small wedding is the size of the venue. You won’t have a problem with not having enough space, which is great, but if you choose something too big, it could feel empty and awkward. Always bear the numbers in mind when viewing any potential wedding venues.

5 Make It Special

Just because it’s going to be small, doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be special. In fact, you can often make it more so. You may be able to afford to do things you couldn’t do if it was to be done on a bigger scale, for example. Think outside of the box and make sure you have a day to remember.

6 Remember It’s Just One Day

At the same time, always remember your wedding is just one day and marriage is (hopefully) for the rest of your life. Don’t have doubts over whether you should have made it bigger and bolder, or bought those designer wedding and bridesmaid dresses: it’s just one day, after all, and isn’t worth getting too hung up over.

7 Spend Time with Your Guests

One of the things to consider when planning a small wedding is the many upsides of keeping it small. One of the big pluses is being able to spend more time with each of your guests, which you may not be able to do if you have 100 people there. Make the most of this by making sure you give your guests your time.

If you’re getting married soon, then all the best of luck and hopefully you’ll have a wonderful day. What tips for planning a small wedding would you share to help other women?

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