How to Say No to the Bride without Pissing Her off ...

Jessica Oct 13, 2016

For most of us, it's an honor to be asked by a friend to be one of her bridesmaids! It means she considers you close and wishes you to be apart of her special day. However, there might be valid reasons to say no! It's expensive if you're burdened with the associated costs, it's a time commitment, and you might feel personally not as close to the bride as she does to you, so that could be reason enough. But, if you wish not to hurt or piss off your friend, keep reading and you'll discover some techniques on how to say no the right way!

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1. Delay Your Answer if You're Unsure πŸ™†πŸΌ

If you're truly unsure about the commitment of being a bridesmaid, take a few days to decide. You need to check your scheduled and make sure you're able to commit and that everything checks out. Nothing is worse than saying 'yes' and being a flaky bridesmaid and friend because you were afraid to say no. 😬

2. Don't Hesitate with a Prompt "no" 🚫

However, if you know for sure your answer is no, don't hesitate in responding, don't drag out the inevitable and just answer. You don't want to give your friend the idea that you want to be her bridesmaid and then turn around and say no. Be honest, direct but be nice!

3. Be Nice and Respectful πŸ€“πŸ’—

On that note, you need to remember to be kind, loving and respectful in your approach to turning the bride down. Kind words go a long way, even if you know for SURE your answer is no, a kind no softens the blow. πŸ‘πŸ½

4. Be Honest (but Not Too Honest) πŸ€—

Your friend will want to know the truth as to why you're turning her down. It might be as simple as the time commitment or as complicated as just not wanting to because you don't feel you're that close. Either way, let her down gently and tell her that you're unable to commit at this time. Follow it up with how much you appreciate her asking and how you wish her all the best!

5. Evaluate Your Finances πŸ’ΈπŸ’°

Often times a bridesmaid has to shell out hundreds of dollars on a dress, gift for the bride and possibly airfare. That's a lot of cash, so it's best to first evaluate your financial situation to see if it's feasible to say yes! And, know in advance how much it will cost so no one is surprised.

6. Think about Your Friendship First πŸ‘―

If you already know that saying yes to being her bridesmaid will cause strain on your friendship, get out now before it's too late! Weddings are always high-stress and perhaps you're not the type that handles stress well, especially in the presence of a stressed-out bride, and know that it could damage your friendship. It's best to say no at this point and avoid any hurts.

7. Offer to Help in Other Ways!πŸ™‡

The very best solution to saying no to your friend is to follow up with a "how can I help?" offer. There are tons of various ways you can help in her wedding preparations that don't include being a bridesmaid. And literally any help, especially behind the scenes help, is beneficial and appreciated! So, ask what you can do instead and be happy to serve her in that way.

While it can be awkward to turn down your friend's kind request to be a part of her special day, it's probably for the best if your heart is just not in it. Bridesmaids are there to be happy, helpful, and supportive! And keep in mind, there are other ways to help that are beyond awesome. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ‘°πŸΌ

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